The Art of Living in the Meow
9 ways to be a cool cat
by Ryan Power
Never be afraid to be yourself
No matter how weird you are, embrace it. The weirdos make this world interesting. They think outside of the box, challenging the concept of normal and pushing the human race into new territory. Cat’s know it. And live it. So embrace your inner-freak, wear that outfit you didn’t have the balls for yesterday, dance in public, say whatever you think, and be fearless. Your inner-weirdo is beautiful and wants out.
Follow your Stoke
Whatever it is that makes you happy, do it. Whether it’s strumming guitars, or riding waves, or climbing mountains, go do the things that make you feel alive. NOW. Because one day you’re gonna be dead.
Fight for what you Believe
Feel like you’re backed into a corner? A bully or mean boss trying to order you around? An oppressive government trying to build a dirty pipeline through your back yard? Someone trying to force you to take a bath? Then channel your inner-feline, flash a little fang, and show your oppressors that nobody’s about to walk on you. You are the master of your own destiny. Now fight for it.
Always help a friend in need
Not everybody can be a powerful cat like you. Sometimes people need a little help. They get scared or tired, and need a friend. You are a cat, the superhero of the animal kingdom, and with that power comes the responsibility of guiding others, helping them drop their monkey-minds so they can find their inner-cat.
Get excited about the little things
Every moment on this planet is a gift. Just the fact that we exist is a miracle. Every flower, every sunset, every smile is full of life. And you won’t always be here to experience these things. So get excited about it.
If there’s a door that can’t be opened,
smash that fucker down
Don't let obstacles stop you. You’re a badass, tooth-and-claw-wielding cat. You are mighty and fierce and deserve the life you dream of. Now go out and get it.
Cat Nap
The dreamworld is a universe within ourselves waiting to be explored. It is a world where rules don’t exist and the mind is truly free to conjure anything. It is full of wonder and imagination and keys to the questions of our subconscious. By delving into this inner-space, we explore ourselves from a place beyond the filter of our waking mind. So let yourself get a little of that rest you deserve, allowing your body to recharge and your mind to journey into itself.
Give your love freely
When you give love, it fills the person it’s given to, strengthening them and allowing them to pay it forward. The power of it ripples out into the world, being passed on from person to person. It’s only when we hold love back that we break the cycle, stopping the love-train in its tracks.
Always look at the world
from new angles
Challenge your beliefs. Keep a fresh perspective. If a problem seems unsolvable, you’re probably looking at it from the wrong angle. So bend your mind, the solution is waiting to be found. You just have to learn to see it.